Pool types introduction

There are only 2 types of Pool in Decibling platform.

  • Decibling Pool: This is the publisher (Decibling) platform’s Pool where Listener Accounts can listen all musics from Decibling library while staking into it. Artist & Collector Account can also stake in if they want. All stakers will receive 2% in return per year.

      (1) Earning (per year by staking FROY into Decibling Pool)
          = (0.02 * Total staking amount)
          = [(1) / 365]
  • Artist Pool: This is the fans Pool for every Artist Account where Listener Accounts can listen all uploaded musics from the Artist library while staking into it with the highest music quality. The Artist Pool will receive the 8% return per year. Artist Account must have a minimum standard return for his/her/their fans (stakers) as 3% per year and a maximum return for his/her/their self (selves) as 5% per year. Artist can also stake into their owned pool, and Collector Account can do so.

The Artist (owner) of the Artist Pool can adjust the return for his/her/their fans (stakers) from 3% to maximum 8% per year.

The Artist (owner) of the Artist Pool can adjust the return for his/her/their self (selves) from 0% to maximum 5% per year.

    (3) Earning of the Artist (per year by staking FROY into his/her/their owned Artist Pool) 
        = [(0 or maximum of 0.05) * Total staking amount]
    (4) Earning of the fans (per year by staking FROY into Artist Pool) 
        = [(minimum of 0.03 or maximum of 0.08) * Total staking amount] 
        = [(3) or (4) / 365]

Staking System Maintenance Fee (SSM Fee)

All stakers will have to pay 5% per year on total returned amount for SSM Fee for what they’ll get (the staking return)

    (5) SSM Fee 
        = Total return amount * 0.05


  • Users only need to pay gas fee for the Blockchain Network System everytime they stake FROY into any particular pool or withdraw FROY back to their wallets.