Fund allocation


1. Return Guarantee Fund

Max capacity: 30% of FROY total supply

In numbers: 30,000,000,000 FROY

In words: Thirty billions FROY

Mission: To guarantee the return for all staking users in the platform


  • To pay the return for stakers
  • Locked for the first 30 days since CEX listing date


  • By Dev Team
  • By Happy Autism
  • From Income Tax
  • By Community

Period of recharge: Once per 3 years

Standard of recharge: > 80% of max capacity

Recharge priority rank: Number 1

2. Project Development Team

Max capacity: 15% of FROY total supply

In numbers: 15,000,000,000 FROY

In words: Fifteen billions FROY

Min capacity: Can not be lesser than 5% of FROY total supply in the first 5 years since the first successful fund raising date

Mission: Project development team’s commitment payment


  • Locked for the first 30 days since CEX listing date, then:
  • Vesting 10,000,000,000 FROY per 3 month in 5 years
  • Receive the rest 5,000,000,000 FROY after 5 years based on “since the first successful fund raising date”

Recharge: By Community

Period of recharge: No

Standard of recharge: No

Recharge priority rank: No

The release of Min capacity: After 5 years based on “since the first successful fund raising date”

3. Ecosystem Research & Developing:

Max capacity: 8.5% of FROY total supply

In numbers: 8,500,000,000 FROY

In words: Eight billions and five hundred millions FROY


  • Transfer an emergency amount of FROY to balance when the Return Guarantee Fund drops down under 50%
  • Spending for new research & developing


  • Locked for the first 12 months since CEX listing date
  • is made by community votes

Recharge: By Community

Period of recharge: No

Standard of recharge: No

Recharge priority rank: No

4. Decibling Award (DCBA)

Max capacity: 17% of FROY total supply

In numbers: 17,000,000,000 FROY

In words: Seventeen billions FROY

Mission: To cover all of the DCBA event fees and its prizes


  • Locked until the first Decibling Awards will be held in Nov - Dec 2024
  • To pay the celebration expense
  • To pay for the winner of the prizes (Artist & Collector)
  • To pay for the physical DCBA event in the future


  • From DCBA Fee
  • By Happy Autism
  • By Community

Period of recharge: Once per 3 years

Standard of recharge: > 80% of max capacity

Recharge priority rank: Number 2

5. Advisors

Max capacity: 3% of FROY total supply

In numbers: 3,000,000,000 FROY

In words: Three billions FROY

Mission: Advisors’ dedication payment for:

  • Support to project development team
  • Support for branding
  • Support for business


  • Locked for the first 12 months since CEX listing date, then:
  • Vesting per 3 months in 3 years if user growth reaches 10M in the first year
  • Vesting per 3 months in 2 years if user growth reaches 20M in the first year
  • Vesting per 3 months in 1 year if user growth reaches 50M in the first year

Recharge: No

Period of recharge: No

Standard of recharge: No

Recharge priority rank: No

6. Private Sale

Max capacity: 18% of FROY total supply

In numbers: 18,000,000,000 FROY

In words: Eighteen billions FROY

Mission: is for any kind of fund raising


  • 50% of total amount fundraising will be used for liquidation
  • The first 9,000,000,000 FROY will be sold in the first round. Unlock one month after CEX listing day, then vesting per month in 20 months
  • The last 9,000,000,000 FROY will be sold in the second round, right after the first round 3 months later. Unlock one month after CEX listing day, then vesting per month in 15 months

Recharge: No

Period of recharge: No

Standard of recharge: No

Recharge priority rank: No

7. CEX Listing

Max capacity: 7.5% of FROY total supply

In numbers: 7,500,000,000 FROY

In words: Seven billions and five hundreds FROY

Mission: To list FROY on Centralized Exchange

Regulation: This step is launched after all the Private Sale capacity is sold

Recharge: No

Period of recharge: No

Standard of recharge: No

Recharge priority rank: No


Max capacity: 1% of FROY total supply

In numbers: 1,000,000,000 FROY

In words: One billion FROY

Mission: To give away to earlier users of Decibling community


  • Unlocked at the CEX listing date
  • Estimate of unlocked quantity: 30% - 100%

Recharge: No

Period of recharge: No

Standard of recharge: No

Recharge priority rank: No